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import os
import pickle

from tqdm import tqdm

from .database import Database
from .helpers import __keytolist__, __slicetolist__
from .error import *
import numpy as np

class Table:
    Class containing the table structure.
    The table stores each row in separate files on the machine to offload ram.
    Since file structure are not well equipped to handle a (very) large amount of files,
    do keep that in mind when initialising tables and transpose the data if necessary.

    Tables store rows with other dimensions removed.

    Tables can be accessed using slicing. Slicing in Tables works similar to slicing in Numpy arrays.

    Slicing support both get, set, and delete commands.

    >>> table[1,2]
    3 <-- this is the element in the second row, in the third column of the `Table`.
    >>> table[1,2:4]
    Array([3, 4]) <-- The second and third column of the second row.
    >>> table[1:5]
    Array([[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,5],[3,4,5,6],[4,5,6,7]]) <-- The rows from the second row to the fifth row in a `Table` with 4 columns.

        name: The name of the `Table`
        database: The `Database` the Table resides in
        table_set: The `TableSet` that is the parent of this `Table`

    __properties_file: str
    name: str
    database: Database
    verbose: bool

    def __init__(self, name: str, database: Database, table_set=None):
        self.__properties_file: str = 'properties'
        self.name = name
        self.database = database
        self.table_set = table_set
        self.verbose = False
        self.__nrows = None
        self.__ncols = None
        self.__dtype = None
        self.inputs = None
        self.outputs = None

    def folder(self):
        if self.table_set is not None:
            return self.table_set.folder + self.name + '/'
        return self.database.folder + self.name + '/'

    def shape(self) -> tuple:
        """The shape of the table"""
        return self.nrows, self.ncols

    def nrows(self) -> int:
        """The number of rows in the table"""
        if self.__nrows is None:
        return self.__nrows

    def ncols(self) -> int:
        """The number of columns in the table"""
        if self.__ncols is None:
        return self.__ncols

    def dtype(self) -> np.dtype:
        """The datatype of the table"""
        if self.__dtype is None:
        return self.__dtype

    def initialised(self) -> bool:
        """Indicates whether the necessary files are initialised and whether the shapes are correct"""
        properties_exist = os.path.isfile(self.folder + self.__properties_file)
        if not properties_exist:
            return False
            with open(self.folder + str(self.__properties_file), 'rb') as f:
                nrows, ncols, inputs, outputs = pickle.load(f)
                nrows = int(nrows)
                ncols = int(ncols)
        except EOFError:
            return False
        except TypeError:
            return False
        except ValueError:
                self.__nrows, self.__ncols = pickle.load(f)
                self.__nrows = int(self.__nrows)
                self.__ncols = int(self.__ncols)
                self.inputs, self.outputs = None, None
                return self.initialised
            except ValueError:
                return False
            last_row = self.__readfile__(nrows-1, override=True)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            return False
        except EOFError:
            return False
        if type(last_row) is not np.ndarray:
            return False
        if inputs is not None and type(inputs) is not list:
            return False
        if outputs is not None and type(outputs) is not list:
            return False
        return last_row.size == ncols

    def __calc_properties__(self):
        """Calculates the properties of the table including the nrows and ncols"""
        self.__nrows, self.__ncols, self.inputs, self.outputs = self.__readfile__(self.__properties_file)
        self.__nrows = int(self.__nrows)
        self.__ncols = int(self.__ncols)
        self.__dtype = self.__readfile__('0').dtype

    def __update_properties__(self):
        """Updates the properties of the table including the nrows and ncols"""
        self.__writefile__(self.__properties_file, (self.__nrows, self.__ncols, self.inputs, self.outputs), override=True)

    def change_dtype(self, dtype: np.dtype):
        Changes the dtype of the table

            dtype: The desired `np.dtype`
        for row in tqdm(range(0, self.nrows), disable=(not self.verbose), leave=False):
            self.__writefile__(row, self.__readfile__(row).astype(dtype))

    def initialise(self, data: np.ndarray, dtype: np.dtype = None, inputs: list = None, outputs: list = None):
        Initialises the table using the np.ndarray provided

        >>> Table('Name', Database('path')).initialise(np.array([[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,5]]))
        Creates a table with name 'Name' and two rows of data Array([[1,2,3,4], [2,3,4,5]])

            data: The array containing the data for the Table
            dtype (optional): The dtype of the data, changes the data's dtype if they don't match
            inputs (optional): Denotes the inputs for the data in this Table represented as a list of Table names. Table names have to be in the same TableSet or Database.
            outputs (optional): Denotes the outputs for the data in this Table represented as a list of Table names. Table names have to be in the same TableSet or Database.
        if not os.path.isdir(self.folder):
            os.mkdir(self.folder, 0o755)
        # Make data 2 dimensional
        data = data.reshape((data.shape[0], -1))
        # Change dtype if necessary
        if np.dtype is not None:
            data = data.astype(dtype)
        # Go through all the data with a progress bar
        i = 0
        for row in tqdm(data, disable=(not self.verbose), leave=False):
            self.__writefile__(i, row, override=True)
            i += 1
        self.__nrows = data.shape[0]
        self.__ncols = data.shape[1]
        self.inputs = inputs
        self.outputs = outputs

    def append_rows(self, data: np.ndarray):
        Add a new row to the existing Table

        >>> Table('Name', Database('path')).append_rows(np.array([[10,11,12,13], [11, 12, 13, 14]]))
        Adds rows Array([[10,11,12,13], [11, 12, 13, 14]]) to the existing table at path 'path' with name 'Name'.

            data: The new rows as an np.ndarray
        reshaped_data = data.reshape(data.shape[0], -1).astype(self.dtype)
        if reshaped_data.shape[1] != self.ncols:
            raise ValueError('Expected data.shape[1] to match self.ncols!')
        i = self.nrows
        for row in reshaped_data:
            self.__writefile__(i, row)
            i += 1
        self.__nrows += reshaped_data.shape[0]

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Table('{self.name}', {self.shape}, '{self.folder}')"

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        rows, cols = __keytolist__(key, self.nrows)
        results = []
        # Go through all rows that need to be fetched and display a progress bar
        for row in tqdm(rows, disable=(not self.verbose), leave=False):
            # Try to fetch the columns and add them to the results
                if cols is None:
            except OSError:
                raise IndexError(f"index {row} is out of bounds for axis 0 with size {self.nrows}")
        # Make the result an np.array again and return them as a list if there is more than one item, else return that item
        results = np.array(results)
        if results.shape[0] is 1:
            return results[0]
        return results

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        rows, cols = __keytolist__(key, self.nrows)
        cols_is_slice = False
        cols_len = 1
        if type(cols) is slice and cols.start is None and cols.step is None and cols.stop is None and type(
                value) is np.ndarray:
            cols = None
            expected_shape = (len(rows),)
        elif type(cols) is slice or type(cols) is list:
            cols_is_slice = True
            cols_len = len(__slicetolist__(cols, self.ncols))
            expected_shape = (len(rows), cols_len)
            expected_shape = (len(rows),)
        i = 0
        for row in rows:
            if not os.path.isfile(self.folder + str(row)):
                raise IndexError(f"index {row} is out of bounds for axis 0 with size {self.nrows}")
            if cols is None:
                if type(value) is not np.ndarray:
                    raise ValueError(f"expected value of type np.ndarray, got {type(value)}")
                if value.ndim == 1:
                    if value.shape[0] != self.ncols:
                        raise ShapeMismatchError(f"expected {self.ncols} columns, found {value.shape[0]}")
                    updated = value
                elif value.ndim == 2:
                    if value.shape[0] != len(rows):
                        raise ShapeMismatchError(f"expected {len(rows)} rows, got {value.shape[0]}")
                    if value.shape[1] != self.ncols:
                        raise ShapeMismatchError(f"expected {self.ncols} columns, found {value.shape[1]}")
                    updated = value[i]
                    raise ShapeMismatchError(f"expected array of <=2 dimensions, got {value.ndim}")
                if type(value) is np.ndarray:
                    if value.ndim == 1 and cols_is_slice:
                        if value.shape[0] != cols_len:
                            raise ShapeMismatchError(f"expected array of shape ({cols_len},), got {value.shape}")
                        value_to_set = value
                    elif value.ndim == 1 or value.ndim == 2:
                        if value.shape != expected_shape:
                            raise ShapeMismatchError(f"expected array of shape {expected_shape}, got {value.shape}")
                        value_to_set = value[i]
                        raise ShapeMismatchError(f"expected array of <=2 dimensions, got {value.ndim}")
                    value_to_set = value
                updated = self.__readfile__(row)
                updated[cols] = value_to_set
            self.__writefile__(row, updated, override=True)
            i += 1

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        rows, cols = __keytolist__(key, self.nrows)
        if cols is not None:
            raise ValueError("Table does not support deleting columns")
        old_nrows = self.nrows
        for row in rows:
                self.__nrows -= 1
            except OSError:
                removed = 0
                for key in range(0, old_nrows):
                    if os.path.isfile(self.folder + str(key)):
                        os.rename(self.folder + str(key), self.folder + str(key - removed))
                        removed += 1
                raise IndexError(f"index {row} is out of bounds for axis 0 with size {self.nrows}")
        removed = 0
        for key in range(0, old_nrows):
            if os.path.isfile(self.folder + str(key)):
                os.rename(self.folder + str(key), self.folder + str(key - removed))
                removed += 1

    def __readfile__(self, filename, override=False):
        if not override and not self.initialised:
            raise TableNotInitialisedError("Initialise the table before using it!")
        with open(self.folder + str(filename), 'rb') as f:
            return pickle.load(f)

    def __writefile__(self, filename, value, override=False):
        if not override and not self.initialised:
            raise TableNotInitialisedError("Initialise the table before using it!")
        with open(self.folder + str(filename), 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(value, f)

    def __deletefile__(self, file):
        if not self.initialised:
            raise TableNotInitialisedError("Initialise the table before using it!")
        os.remove(self.folder + str(file))
#   class Table:
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class Table:
    Class containing the table structure.
    The table stores each row in separate files on the machine to offload ram.
    Since file structure are not well equipped to handle a (very) large amount of files,
    do keep that in mind when initialising tables and transpose the data if necessary.

    Tables store rows with other dimensions removed.

    Tables can be accessed using slicing. Slicing in Tables works similar to slicing in Numpy arrays.

    Slicing support both get, set, and delete commands.

    >>> table[1,2]
    3 <-- this is the element in the second row, in the third column of the `Table`.
    >>> table[1,2:4]
    Array([3, 4]) <-- The second and third column of the second row.
    >>> table[1:5]
    Array([[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,5],[3,4,5,6],[4,5,6,7]]) <-- The rows from the second row to the fifth row in a `Table` with 4 columns.

        name: The name of the `Table`
        database: The `Database` the Table resides in
        table_set: The `TableSet` that is the parent of this `Table`

    __properties_file: str
    name: str
    database: Database
    verbose: bool

    def __init__(self, name: str, database: Database, table_set=None):
        self.__properties_file: str = 'properties'
        self.name = name
        self.database = database
        self.table_set = table_set
        self.verbose = False
        self.__nrows = None
        self.__ncols = None
        self.__dtype = None
        self.inputs = None
        self.outputs = None

    def folder(self):
        if self.table_set is not None:
            return self.table_set.folder + self.name + '/'
        return self.database.folder + self.name + '/'

    def shape(self) -> tuple:
        """The shape of the table"""
        return self.nrows, self.ncols

    def nrows(self) -> int:
        """The number of rows in the table"""
        if self.__nrows is None:
        return self.__nrows

    def ncols(self) -> int:
        """The number of columns in the table"""
        if self.__ncols is None:
        return self.__ncols

    def dtype(self) -> np.dtype:
        """The datatype of the table"""
        if self.__dtype is None:
        return self.__dtype

    def initialised(self) -> bool:
        """Indicates whether the necessary files are initialised and whether the shapes are correct"""
        properties_exist = os.path.isfile(self.folder + self.__properties_file)
        if not properties_exist:
            return False
            with open(self.folder + str(self.__properties_file), 'rb') as f:
                nrows, ncols, inputs, outputs = pickle.load(f)
                nrows = int(nrows)
                ncols = int(ncols)
        except EOFError:
            return False
        except TypeError:
            return False
        except ValueError:
                self.__nrows, self.__ncols = pickle.load(f)
                self.__nrows = int(self.__nrows)
                self.__ncols = int(self.__ncols)
                self.inputs, self.outputs = None, None
                return self.initialised
            except ValueError:
                return False
            last_row = self.__readfile__(nrows-1, override=True)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            return False
        except EOFError:
            return False
        if type(last_row) is not np.ndarray:
            return False
        if inputs is not None and type(inputs) is not list:
            return False
        if outputs is not None and type(outputs) is not list:
            return False
        return last_row.size == ncols

    def __calc_properties__(self):
        """Calculates the properties of the table including the nrows and ncols"""
        self.__nrows, self.__ncols, self.inputs, self.outputs = self.__readfile__(self.__properties_file)
        self.__nrows = int(self.__nrows)
        self.__ncols = int(self.__ncols)
        self.__dtype = self.__readfile__('0').dtype

    def __update_properties__(self):
        """Updates the properties of the table including the nrows and ncols"""
        self.__writefile__(self.__properties_file, (self.__nrows, self.__ncols, self.inputs, self.outputs), override=True)

    def change_dtype(self, dtype: np.dtype):
        Changes the dtype of the table

            dtype: The desired `np.dtype`
        for row in tqdm(range(0, self.nrows), disable=(not self.verbose), leave=False):
            self.__writefile__(row, self.__readfile__(row).astype(dtype))

    def initialise(self, data: np.ndarray, dtype: np.dtype = None, inputs: list = None, outputs: list = None):
        Initialises the table using the np.ndarray provided

        >>> Table('Name', Database('path')).initialise(np.array([[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,5]]))
        Creates a table with name 'Name' and two rows of data Array([[1,2,3,4], [2,3,4,5]])

            data: The array containing the data for the Table
            dtype (optional): The dtype of the data, changes the data's dtype if they don't match
            inputs (optional): Denotes the inputs for the data in this Table represented as a list of Table names. Table names have to be in the same TableSet or Database.
            outputs (optional): Denotes the outputs for the data in this Table represented as a list of Table names. Table names have to be in the same TableSet or Database.
        if not os.path.isdir(self.folder):
            os.mkdir(self.folder, 0o755)
        # Make data 2 dimensional
        data = data.reshape((data.shape[0], -1))
        # Change dtype if necessary
        if np.dtype is not None:
            data = data.astype(dtype)
        # Go through all the data with a progress bar
        i = 0
        for row in tqdm(data, disable=(not self.verbose), leave=False):
            self.__writefile__(i, row, override=True)
            i += 1
        self.__nrows = data.shape[0]
        self.__ncols = data.shape[1]
        self.inputs = inputs
        self.outputs = outputs

    def append_rows(self, data: np.ndarray):
        Add a new row to the existing Table

        >>> Table('Name', Database('path')).append_rows(np.array([[10,11,12,13], [11, 12, 13, 14]]))
        Adds rows Array([[10,11,12,13], [11, 12, 13, 14]]) to the existing table at path 'path' with name 'Name'.

            data: The new rows as an np.ndarray
        reshaped_data = data.reshape(data.shape[0], -1).astype(self.dtype)
        if reshaped_data.shape[1] != self.ncols:
            raise ValueError('Expected data.shape[1] to match self.ncols!')
        i = self.nrows
        for row in reshaped_data:
            self.__writefile__(i, row)
            i += 1
        self.__nrows += reshaped_data.shape[0]

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"Table('{self.name}', {self.shape}, '{self.folder}')"

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        rows, cols = __keytolist__(key, self.nrows)
        results = []
        # Go through all rows that need to be fetched and display a progress bar
        for row in tqdm(rows, disable=(not self.verbose), leave=False):
            # Try to fetch the columns and add them to the results
                if cols is None:
            except OSError:
                raise IndexError(f"index {row} is out of bounds for axis 0 with size {self.nrows}")
        # Make the result an np.array again and return them as a list if there is more than one item, else return that item
        results = np.array(results)
        if results.shape[0] is 1:
            return results[0]
        return results

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        rows, cols = __keytolist__(key, self.nrows)
        cols_is_slice = False
        cols_len = 1
        if type(cols) is slice and cols.start is None and cols.step is None and cols.stop is None and type(
                value) is np.ndarray:
            cols = None
            expected_shape = (len(rows),)
        elif type(cols) is slice or type(cols) is list:
            cols_is_slice = True
            cols_len = len(__slicetolist__(cols, self.ncols))
            expected_shape = (len(rows), cols_len)
            expected_shape = (len(rows),)
        i = 0
        for row in rows:
            if not os.path.isfile(self.folder + str(row)):
                raise IndexError(f"index {row} is out of bounds for axis 0 with size {self.nrows}")
            if cols is None:
                if type(value) is not np.ndarray:
                    raise ValueError(f"expected value of type np.ndarray, got {type(value)}")
                if value.ndim == 1:
                    if value.shape[0] != self.ncols:
                        raise ShapeMismatchError(f"expected {self.ncols} columns, found {value.shape[0]}")
                    updated = value
                elif value.ndim == 2:
                    if value.shape[0] != len(rows):
                        raise ShapeMismatchError(f"expected {len(rows)} rows, got {value.shape[0]}")
                    if value.shape[1] != self.ncols:
                        raise ShapeMismatchError(f"expected {self.ncols} columns, found {value.shape[1]}")
                    updated = value[i]
                    raise ShapeMismatchError(f"expected array of <=2 dimensions, got {value.ndim}")
                if type(value) is np.ndarray:
                    if value.ndim == 1 and cols_is_slice:
                        if value.shape[0] != cols_len:
                            raise ShapeMismatchError(f"expected array of shape ({cols_len},), got {value.shape}")
                        value_to_set = value
                    elif value.ndim == 1 or value.ndim == 2:
                        if value.shape != expected_shape:
                            raise ShapeMismatchError(f"expected array of shape {expected_shape}, got {value.shape}")
                        value_to_set = value[i]
                        raise ShapeMismatchError(f"expected array of <=2 dimensions, got {value.ndim}")
                    value_to_set = value
                updated = self.__readfile__(row)
                updated[cols] = value_to_set
            self.__writefile__(row, updated, override=True)
            i += 1

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        rows, cols = __keytolist__(key, self.nrows)
        if cols is not None:
            raise ValueError("Table does not support deleting columns")
        old_nrows = self.nrows
        for row in rows:
                self.__nrows -= 1
            except OSError:
                removed = 0
                for key in range(0, old_nrows):
                    if os.path.isfile(self.folder + str(key)):
                        os.rename(self.folder + str(key), self.folder + str(key - removed))
                        removed += 1
                raise IndexError(f"index {row} is out of bounds for axis 0 with size {self.nrows}")
        removed = 0
        for key in range(0, old_nrows):
            if os.path.isfile(self.folder + str(key)):
                os.rename(self.folder + str(key), self.folder + str(key - removed))
                removed += 1

    def __readfile__(self, filename, override=False):
        if not override and not self.initialised:
            raise TableNotInitialisedError("Initialise the table before using it!")
        with open(self.folder + str(filename), 'rb') as f:
            return pickle.load(f)

    def __writefile__(self, filename, value, override=False):
        if not override and not self.initialised:
            raise TableNotInitialisedError("Initialise the table before using it!")
        with open(self.folder + str(filename), 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(value, f)

    def __deletefile__(self, file):
        if not self.initialised:
            raise TableNotInitialisedError("Initialise the table before using it!")
        os.remove(self.folder + str(file))

Class containing the table structure. The table stores each row in separate files on the machine to offload ram. Since file structure are not well equipped to handle a (very) large amount of files, do keep that in mind when initialising tables and transpose the data if necessary.

Tables store rows with other dimensions removed.


Tables can be accessed using slicing. Slicing in Tables works similar to slicing in Numpy arrays.

Slicing support both get, set, and delete commands.


>>> table[1,2]
3 <-- this is the element in the second row, in the third column of the `Table`.
>>> table[1,2:4]
Array([3, 4]) <-- The second and third column of the second row.
>>> table[1:5]
Array([[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,5],[3,4,5,6],[4,5,6,7]]) <-- The rows from the second row to the fifth row in a `Table` with 4 columns.
  • name: The name of the Table
  • database: The Database the Table resides in
  • table_set: The TableSet that is the parent of this Table
#   Table( name: str, database: nn_tuning.storage.database.Database, table_set=None )
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    def __init__(self, name: str, database: Database, table_set=None):
        self.__properties_file: str = 'properties'
        self.name = name
        self.database = database
        self.table_set = table_set
        self.verbose = False
        self.__nrows = None
        self.__ncols = None
        self.__dtype = None
        self.inputs = None
        self.outputs = None
#   name: str
#   verbose: bool
#   folder
#   shape: tuple

The shape of the table

#   nrows: int

The number of rows in the table

#   ncols: int

The number of columns in the table

#   dtype: numpy.dtype

The datatype of the table

#   initialised: bool

Indicates whether the necessary files are initialised and whether the shapes are correct

#   def change_dtype(self, dtype: numpy.dtype):
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    def change_dtype(self, dtype: np.dtype):
        Changes the dtype of the table

            dtype: The desired `np.dtype`
        for row in tqdm(range(0, self.nrows), disable=(not self.verbose), leave=False):
            self.__writefile__(row, self.__readfile__(row).astype(dtype))

Changes the dtype of the table

  • dtype: The desired np.dtype
#   def initialise( self, data: numpy.ndarray, dtype: numpy.dtype = None, inputs: list = None, outputs: list = None ):
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    def initialise(self, data: np.ndarray, dtype: np.dtype = None, inputs: list = None, outputs: list = None):
        Initialises the table using the np.ndarray provided

        >>> Table('Name', Database('path')).initialise(np.array([[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,5]]))
        Creates a table with name 'Name' and two rows of data Array([[1,2,3,4], [2,3,4,5]])

            data: The array containing the data for the Table
            dtype (optional): The dtype of the data, changes the data's dtype if they don't match
            inputs (optional): Denotes the inputs for the data in this Table represented as a list of Table names. Table names have to be in the same TableSet or Database.
            outputs (optional): Denotes the outputs for the data in this Table represented as a list of Table names. Table names have to be in the same TableSet or Database.
        if not os.path.isdir(self.folder):
            os.mkdir(self.folder, 0o755)
        # Make data 2 dimensional
        data = data.reshape((data.shape[0], -1))
        # Change dtype if necessary
        if np.dtype is not None:
            data = data.astype(dtype)
        # Go through all the data with a progress bar
        i = 0
        for row in tqdm(data, disable=(not self.verbose), leave=False):
            self.__writefile__(i, row, override=True)
            i += 1
        self.__nrows = data.shape[0]
        self.__ncols = data.shape[1]
        self.inputs = inputs
        self.outputs = outputs

Initialises the table using the np.ndarray provided


>>> Table('Name', Database('path')).initialise(np.array([[1,2,3,4],[2,3,4,5]]))
Creates a table with name 'Name' and two rows of data Array([[1,2,3,4], [2,3,4,5]])
  • data: The array containing the data for the Table
  • dtype (optional): The dtype of the data, changes the data's dtype if they don't match
  • inputs (optional): Denotes the inputs for the data in this Table represented as a list of Table names. Table names have to be in the same TableSet or Database.
  • outputs (optional): Denotes the outputs for the data in this Table represented as a list of Table names. Table names have to be in the same TableSet or Database.
#   def append_rows(self, data: numpy.ndarray):
View Source
    def append_rows(self, data: np.ndarray):
        Add a new row to the existing Table

        >>> Table('Name', Database('path')).append_rows(np.array([[10,11,12,13], [11, 12, 13, 14]]))
        Adds rows Array([[10,11,12,13], [11, 12, 13, 14]]) to the existing table at path 'path' with name 'Name'.

            data: The new rows as an np.ndarray
        reshaped_data = data.reshape(data.shape[0], -1).astype(self.dtype)
        if reshaped_data.shape[1] != self.ncols:
            raise ValueError('Expected data.shape[1] to match self.ncols!')
        i = self.nrows
        for row in reshaped_data:
            self.__writefile__(i, row)
            i += 1
        self.__nrows += reshaped_data.shape[0]

Add a new row to the existing Table


>>> Table('Name', Database('path')).append_rows(np.array([[10,11,12,13], [11, 12, 13, 14]]))
Adds rows Array([[10,11,12,13], [11, 12, 13, 14]]) to the existing table at path 'path' with name 'Name'.
  • data: The new rows as an np.ndarray